
More Info About ICO

Start DateOctober 27, 2021
End DateOctober 29, 2021
PlatformBinance Smart Chain (BEP20)
2 years ago is a fully decentralized protocol for private transactions on Cardano.
SpinADA breaks the on-chain link between senders and receivers of Cardano native tokens on the blockchain. This gives complete privacy and security in a completely decentralized manner.
It uses a Zero Knowledge proof protocol known as zk-SNARK , developed by the good fellows at Zcash, to ensure secure anonymous transactions of Cardano assets on the blockchain. It uses a Smart contract which accepts Cardano tokens and then allows anyone with a proof of knowledge to withdraw those tokens through the use of Cryptographic key notes.
When a sender submits a transaction, he receives a Key Note and a corresponding hash is received by the Smart contract. When a withdrawer furnishes the right Key note, it is matched with the hash to output the corresponding submitted tokens.

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