
More Info About ICO

ICO NameLunaFi
Start DateApril 14, 2022
End DateApril 15, 2022
2 years ago

LunaFi is a leading decentralized and peerless DeFi betting protocol — providing users with a secure and trustless environment in which they can gamble, invest, and for the first time ever, become the house

By harnessing the power of the decentralized technologies, community governance, and autonomous smart contracts — we allow users to securely place peerless bets in a trustless, non-custodial betting platform that is set to revolutionize the global sports betting industry by allowing the player to invest and become the house.

To facilitate this, we provide a complete DeFi platform designed to enable the integration of sports betting and prediction markets, powered by a protocol and community-owned liquidity pool known as a House Pool. This suite can be integrated by developers looking to add peerless betting functionalities to their dApps — the first of which will be LunaFi’s own dApp, Lunabets, a decentralized sports book application.

Lunabets is non-custodial utilizing LunaFi’s smart contracts and liquidity pools to ensure trustless payouts, meaning there is an immediate settlement made by the smart contract to the winning party, removing all counterparty risk. End users can utilize Lunabets to place bets in the knowledge that their wager is not only guaranteed to pay out from our liquidity pools and smart contract, but is odds optimized and oracle confirmed, if they win.

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IDO Ended
ICO NameLunaFi
Start DateApril 14, 2022
End DateApril 15, 2022

IDO Upcoming
ICO NameLunaFi
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IDO Ended
ICO NameLunaFi
Start DateJune 01, 2022
End DateJune 02, 2022

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