
More Info About ICO

ICO NameKattana
Start DateApril 09, 2021
End DateApril 10, 2021
3 years ago

Kattana is world’s first desktop-based terminal for trading blockchain assets built to cover all aspects of the professional traders’ workflow.

Kattana actually comes from CeFi, where it has been running privately, providing viable top-notch trading tools that helped (and are still helping to this day) traders make a change and trade in a whole new effective manner.

The number of users was intentionally restricted to a fairly small number to guarantee the excellent functioning of the platform and to avoid any outages.

This strategy has been really productive not only for our customers but also for the platform since we’ve gained a loyal group of traders and passionate users that helped shape Kattana as it is.

But as you may know, the crypto market does not stand still and changes rapidly.

Defi is the new interest and trading on DEXs is the new game that’s why we’ve decided to help old and new players join in and crush this decentralized environment too.

With the core functionality already fully developed and market-tested, we can save years of development and deploy Kattana rapidly. Taking a few months to add improvements that weren’t possible in CeFi but work perfectly in DeFi, we are about ready to release the one trading terminal to rule them all: trade in real-time using over 40 DEXs, use advance order types and highest-quality-charts and have the kind of a command center that used to be out of the price range of everybody.

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