
More Info About ICO

Start DateSeptember 16, 2021
End DateSeptember 17, 2021
PlatformBinance Smart Chain (BEP20)
3 years ago

Jetswap is a decentralized Automated Market Maker (AMM) on Binance Smart Chain with low fees and instant trade execution.
Low Fees
Jetswap runs on Binance smart chain (BSC) a blockchain designed for fast and cheap transactions.

Trade directly from your favorite wallet application! There are no accounts to set up or trading limits. You have full control over your assets and Jetswap has 0 control over your assets.

Earn WINGS with LP tokens and single assets
You can earn BIG WINGS rewards when you deposit your Jetswap WINGS-LP to the WINGS farm. You can also farm WINGS with single assets like WINGS, GFCE, JETS, and FTS!

Earn Trading Fees
The WINGS LP tokens generate trading fees for the depositor! Even if there is not a supported WINGS farm you can still earn a percentage of every trading fee.

Self-Reported TagsDecentralized ExchangeDeFiStakingDAppYield FarmingAMMBinance Smart Chain EcosystemDEXYield AggregatorLP TokensAnalyticsHedera Hashgraph Ecosystem
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