
More Info About ICO

ICO NameAlkimi
Start DateAugust 11, 2021
End DateAugust 18, 2021
3 years ago

The Alkimi Exchange is a decentralized advertising exchange built on the Constellation Network’s Hypergraph. Using the OpenRTB standards for programmatic advertising, Alkimi Exchange will host a media exchange auction in real-time on the Hypergraph
by developing a hosted state channel, AlEx.

AlEx is the state channel facilitating a programmatic exchange that will provide cost savings and fraud prevention for all stakeholders in the advertising industry: users exposed to digital advertising, publishers that host advertising, and advertisers that buy digital media.

Alkimi Exchange is the first digital advertising where an immutable record of all media serving and engagements will be recorded on a blockchain and usher in accountability for the new digital advertising paradigm.

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